Our Mission

The Diocese of Charleston Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs Commission initiates and supports activities within our diocese for the promotion of full, visible unity among Christians and cooperation among religions.

Our Goals

  • RELATIONSHIPS: Sustain relationships with ecumenical and interreligious organizations with which the Diocese of Charleston has membership or has ongoing participation in dialogues, events, and projects:
    • Catholic Association of Diocesan Ecumenical and Interreligious Officers (CADEIO)–and its relationship with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
    • The South Carolina Christian Action Council
    • The Fellowship of South Carolina Bishops–which includes Lutheran, Episcopalian, United Methodist, African Methodist Episcopal, Roman Catholic, and Christian Methodist Episcopal
    • Interfaith Partners of South Carolina (IPSC)
  • EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION: Provide talks, upon request, to ecumenical and interfaith groups which assist in mutual understanding; offer resources and information to Catholic groups to incite better understanding of the Church’s commitment to ecumenism and interfaith cooperation; use The Catholic Miscellany and The Charleston Mercury/Carolina Compass as venues for publication on topics on ecumenism and faith formation; provide a newsletter three times per year to acquaint pastors and diocesan leaders with ongoing ecumenical and interfaith efforts.
  • OUTREACH: Develop avenues for increased dialogue with other denominations active in South Carolina, for example, through joining in virtual and face-to-face meetings with Interfaith Partners of Aiken, other city or regional groups, and by participating in interfaith events that include diverse faith communities (Latter Day Saints, Unity Church, AME, Jewish, Muslim, and so on) in the state.
  • PARTICIPATION: Elicit support for ongoing dialogue on such topics as confronting hate and racism; link persons from parishes around the diocesan who have a passion for ecumenical and interfaith activity; join in statewide and national interfaith groups via online media to make diocesan presence felt (currently: Rumi Forum, Anti-Defamation League, Atlantic Institute, Interfaith Power and Light)